Natasha Savic

Hi Natasha!

Enlarged view: Natasha

Introduce yourself! 
Hi! I’m Natasha :) I’m currently entering my 3rd year of my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Although I spend a significant part of my time studying and hunched over bugs & compiler errors, I also make sure to find time for my non-academic passions which are drumming (specifically metal music 🤘), and dancing. I’m always happy to help, discuss, or be there to support, so feel free to reach out to me anytime!

How long have you been at CSNOW?
I just joined CSNOW this summer!



What do you like about working at CSNOW?
There’s a lot I enjoy about being a part of CSNOW: not only do our mission and projects resonate strongly with my own values and with issues I am passionate about addressing, but the team is also extremely kind, helpful and always great company to be around. On top of that, it has given me (and you, CSNOW members!) unique opportunities to engage with people outside of the community and learn from empowering and experienced role models. It’s so nice and important to have this support system that you know you can count on no matter what :)

What is your favourite animal?
I’m a reptiles-person, so definitely snakes and crocodiles 🐊


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